Related topics: whales

Stranded baby seals concern Dutch rescuers

A month ago, a young seal named Marco washed up on a beach on the northern Dutch Frisian island of Ameland, one of a growing number of recently stranded pups that has left his rescuers worried.

Last whale dies in mass Australian beaching

The last of a huge pod of sperm and minke whales washed onto a southern Australian beach and nearby sandbank has died despite an extensive operation to set it free, officials said.

Baby whale to be put down after second beaching

A baby humpback whale which was rescued after beaching off Australia's east coast this week will be put down after failing to find its mother and stranding itself again.

15 whales dead in northwest Scotland

Fifteen pilot whales have died in a mass stranding near the northwestern tip of Scotland, according to a rescue charity.

Right whale sedation enables disentanglement effort

On Friday, March 6, 2009, for the first time ever, a North Atlantic right whale that had been severely entangled in fishing gear, was administered a sedation mixture that made it possible for rescuers to remove 90 percent ...

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