The warm and loving tegu lizard becomes a genetic resource

Published today in the open-access journal GigaScience is an article that presents the genome of the tegu lizard, which has mastered a trick that is highly unusual in the reptile world: it can turn on its own heating system. ...

The homing instinct of relocated snakes

A pioneering study by the University of Kent on the effects of relocating adders due to development has found that males will disperse from their release site—with one even going so far as to return to his original home.

Fossil teeth show how reptiles adapted to change

Marine predators that lived in deep waters during the Jurassic Period thrived as sea levels rose, while species that dwelled in the shallows died out, research suggests.

Seven percent of Australia's reptiles 'risk extinction'

Australia's reptiles, including lizards and snakes, are facing growing threats from invasive species and climate change, with seven percent on the verge of extinction, conservationists said Thursday.

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