Related topics: cells

Female skinks store sperm for dry spells

Female tree skinks can reproduce even when they have not encountered a male for more than a year, by storing sperm from previous mates, according to new research.

Secret sex life to help save world's endangered seagrasses

( -- Sex plays a much more important role in the reproduction of vitally important seagrasses than previously thought, according to important new findings by researchers from The University of Western Australia.

Researchers create first transgenic prairie voles

Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, have successfully generated the first transgenic prairie voles, an important step toward unlocking the genetic secrets of pair bonding. The future ...

Key to evolutionary fitness: Cut the calories

Charles Darwin and his contemporaries postulated that food consumption in birds and mammals was limited by resource levels, that is, animals would eat as much as they could while food was plentiful and produce as many offspring ...

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