Linker histone's surprising partnership with single-stranded DNA

To keep order in the tight quarters of the cell nucleus, our DNA is neatly clamped in place around a central disk by H1 linker histone, which helps shepherd DNA into the tidy chromatin fibers that comprise chromosomes. Linker ...

Self-regulation of an enzyme with critical cellular functions

The lab of Kathy Gould, Louise B. McGavock Professor and professor of cell and developmental biology, used a multi-disciplinary approach that included structural biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology to investigate ...

Study advances understanding of bacterial bioterrorism agent

Vanderbilt researchers have identified a critical regulatory factor in Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes the disease anthrax and has been used as a biological weapon. The findings, reported in the journal Nature ...

EU unveils 'sustainable' fashion push

The EU on Wednesday announced proposals to crack down on "fast fashion" by making clothing easier to repair and more durable as part of a push to bolster environmental standards.

Decoding the role of CSB protein in DNA repair

Using the Summit supercomputer at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), a Georgia State University (GSU) research team has revealed the structural mechanism of the Cockayne Syndrome ...

Advancing genome editing through studying DNA repair mechanisms

Since the discovery of CRISPR/Cas9, also known as molecular scissors, scientists around the world have been working to improve the revolutionary technique for altering DNA that earned Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna ...

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