Stealing nature's photosynthetic secrets

(—The prospect of creating clean, renewable hydrogen fuel is closer than ever after a breakthrough in our understanding of photosynthesis.

A simpler path to a catalyst

Researchers at ETH Zurich developed a new synthesis procedure for a catalyst. This procedure may be used for the large-scale production of, for instance, plastics from renewable resources in an environmentally friendly and ...

HyperSolar shows dirty water no barrier to power world

( -- The Santa Barbara, California, company, HyperSolar, is set to transparently share the ups and downs of its research experiences toward the company’s ultimate vision, successfully producing renewable hydrogen. ...

Researchers pioneer molecular catalyser

Scientists in Sweden have developed a molecular catalyser with the ability to quickly oxidise water to oxygen. Presented in the journal Nature Chemistry, the results are a significant contribution to the future use of solar ...

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