Cassini shapes first global topographic map of Titan

( —Scientists have created the first global topographic map of Saturn's moon Titan, giving researchers a valuable tool for learning more about one of the most Earth-like and interesting worlds in the solar system. ...

Tracking tigers in 3-D

New software developed with help from the Wildlife Conservation Society will allow tiger researchers to rapidly identify individual animals by creating a three-dimensional model using photos taken by remote cameras. The software, ...

Tokyo man arrested over bizarre hacking campaign

Japanese police on Sunday arrested a man suspected of being behind a computer hacking campaign following an exhaustive hunt that at one stage had authorities tracking down a cat for clues, according to reports.

Preview of what's to see on Google TV

Google revealed new details about its Google TV system last week with the launch of a new Web site, and Logitech showed off the first piece of hardware running the Internet-TV system, a gadget called the Revue.

Have thieving rodents saved tropical trees?

Big seeds produced by many tropical trees were probably once ingested and then defecated whole by huge mammals called gomphotheres that dispersed the seeds over large distances. But gomphotheres were probably hunted to extinction ...

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