The oldest mineralized sponges in the world found in Ciudad Real

An international and multidisciplinary piece of research involving the participation of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) concludes with the discovery of the mineralised fossil remains of the oldest sponges in the world—530 ...

How Australian museums regulate the display of human remains

Protesters are urging a boycott of Real Bodies: The Exhibition, which recently opened in Sydney, due to the possibility that the plastinated human bodies and organs on display were taken without consent from executed Chinese ...

Carin Goring's remains identified by Swedish researchers

The putative remains of Carin Göring, wife of Nazi leader Herman Göring, were found in 1991 at a site close to where she had been buried. In a recently published article, Maria Allen, professor of forensic genetics at Uppsala ...

Paleontologists discover a big concentration of mammoth bones

Over a month, scientists and students ofTomsk State University (Russia) conducted an excavation in the Novosibirsk Region at one of the largest mammoth graveyards in Eurasia. Remnants of these ancient animals abound in the ...

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