New study finds link between facial attractiveness and lifespan

A new study published in Social Science and Medicine has uncovered a significant relationship between facial attractiveness and life expectancy, with the least attractive people living substantially shorter lives, on average, ...

A 'thank you' goes a long way in family relationships

You've probably heard that cultivating gratitude can boost your happiness. But in marriage and families, it's not just about being more grateful for your loved ones—it's also important to feel appreciated by them. Researchers ...

How parents can promote positive sibling relationships

Sibling relationships are some of the longest-lasting relationships we have in our lives. Half of Canadians and around 80% of people worldwide have at least one sibling. Sibling relationships are unique from all other relationships ...

Does online dating make relationships more successful?

A new study in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking showed that for marital relationships, meeting in online dating was only linked to less relationship success among people with no "relationship talk ...

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