Study uncovers the secrets of plant regeneration

Plants have the unique ability to regenerate entirely from a somatic cell, i.e., an ordinary cell that does not typically participate in reproduction. This process involves the de novo (or new) formation of a shoot apical ...

Studying epigenetic regulation at the single-molecule level

If one imagines the genome as an instruction manual for the functioning of a cell, every page of this manual is covered with annotations, highlights, and bookmarks. The role of some of these marks remains mysterious—do ...

The not so inactive X chromosome

Nearly every cell in our body contains pairs of each of our chromosomes, and these pairs are identical in all but one case: that of our sex chromosomes. Males typically have one X and one Y sex chromosome, while females typically ...

Speeding up DNA computation with liquid droplets

Recent studies have shown that liquid-liquid phase separation—akin to how oil droplets form in water—leads to formation of diverse types of membraneless organelles, such as stress granules and nucleoli, in living cells. ...

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