Roman ship carried live fish in tank

( -- A new report published in the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology shows that Roman fishing ships may have used a pumping system to supply oxygenated water to an onboard fish tank. Due to a lack ...

Sunlight with cooling factor

Although it sounds like a contradiction in terms, using the power of the sun for refrigeration is proving to be an original energy concept. In Tunisia and Morocco, Fraunhofer research scientists are using solar energy to ...

A new refrigerator could save you cool cash

Is your refrigerator eating you out of house and home? Chances are, if it's more than 10 years old, it's gulping enough energy to put a serious hurt on your wallet.

For Refrigeration Problems, a Magnetically Attractive Solution

( -- Your refrigerator’s humming, electricity-guzzling cooling system could soon be a lot smaller, quieter and more economical thanks to an exotic metal alloy discovered by an international collaboration working ...

Elastocaloric cooling system opens door to climate-friendly AC

Air conditioning, refrigeration, and other cooling technologies account for more than 20 percent of today's global energy consumption, while the refrigerants they use have a global warming potential thousands of times greater ...

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