A graphene-based sensor that is tunable and highly sensitive

Many areas of fundamental research are interested in graphene owing to its exceptional characteristics. It is made of one layer of carbon atoms, which makes it light and sturdy, and it is an excellent thermal and electrical ...

New phenomenon could lead to novel types of lasers and sensors

There are several ways to "trap" a beam of light—usually with mirrors, other reflective surfaces, or high-tech materials such as photonic crystals. But now researchers at MIT have discovered a new method to trap light that ...

Fish skin structure explains biological cloaking

The highly effective optical means by which silvery fish, such as the European sardine and Atlantic herring, camouflage themselves from predators is explained this month in Nature Photonics.

A 'cloaking device' -- it's all done with mirrors

(PhysOrg.com) -- Somewhat the way Harry Potter can cover himself with a cloak and become invisible, Cornell researchers have developed a device that can make it seem that a bump in a carpet -- or, indeed, any flat surface ...

Scientists adapt astronomy method to unblur microscopy images

A team led by researchers at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus has adapted a class of techniques employed in astronomy to unblur images of far-away galaxies for use in the life sciences, providing biologists with a faster and ...

'Meta-mirror' reflects sound waves in any direction

Researchers at Duke University and Aalto University (Finland) have constructed a "meta-mirror" device capable of perfectly reflecting sound waves in any direction. The proof-of-principle demonstration is analogous to looking ...

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