Related topics: coral reefs

Reef sharks prefer bite-size meals

Sharks have a reputation for having voracious appetites, but a new study shows that most coral reef sharks eat prey that are smaller than a cheeseburger.

NASA CORAL mission to raise reef studies to new level

A new three-year NASA field expedition gets underway this year that will use advanced instruments on airplanes and in the water to survey more of the world's coral reefs, and in far greater detail, than ever before. The COral ...

Researchers study sediment record in deep coral reefs

A University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science-led research team analyzed the sediments of mesophotic coral reefs, deep reef communities living 30-150 meters below sea level, to understand ...

Scientists tinker with evolution to save Hawaii coral reefs

Scientists at a research center on Hawaii's Coconut Island have embarked on an experiment to grow "super coral" that they hope can withstand the hotter and more acidic oceans that are expected with global warming.

Australia hails 'tremendous' UN barrier reef decision

Australia Thursday hailed a United Nations decision to keep the Great Barrier Reef off its in danger list as "tremendous", but activists warned more must be done to improve the marine park's health.

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