Scientists pinpoint one way nanoparticles damage immune cells

Scientists have shown that a process known as oxidative stress is at work during encounters between certain nanoparticles and immune cells, selectively modifying proteins on macrophages, a type of immune cell. The findings, ...

Novel approach improves graphene-based supercapacitors

Demand for integrated energy storage devices is growing rapidly as people rely more and more on portable and wireless electronics, and the global need grows for clean energy sources such as solar and wind energies.

Chemists fabricate novel rewritable paper

First developed in China in about the year A.D. 150, paper has many uses, the most common being for writing and printing upon. Indeed, the development and spread of civilization owes much to paper's use as writing material.

Gasoline from water, CO2 and sunlight

A research team from ETH Zurich, PSI, and Caltech demonstrates the stable, efficient and rapid generation of solar fuels. They apply a thermochemical cycle based on ceria redox reactions to thermochemically split water and ...

Artificial intelligence makes enzyme engineering easy

You can't move a pharmaceutical scientist from a lab to a kitchen and expect the same research output. Enzymes behave exactly the same: They are dependent upon a specific environment. But now, in a study recently published ...

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