Related topics: mars · nasa · european space agency · liquid water · moon

More to life than the habitable zone

Two separate teams of scientists have identified major challenges for the development of life in what has recently become one of the most famous exoplanet systems, TRAPPIST-1.

France, Japan aim to land probe on Mars moon

France and Japan want to recover pieces of a Martian Moon and bring them back to Earth, the head of France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) said Thursday.

First on the Martian menu: spuds

If human beings finally reach Mars, they may find themselves depending on the humble, if hardy potato.

Two possible landing sites for ExoMars mission

The ExoMars mobile rover, tasked with recovering evidence of life on the Red Planet, will touch down in 2021 at one of two sites, scientists announced Wednesday.

Remnants of a mega-flood on Mars

ESA's Mars Express has captured images of one of the largest outflow channel networks on the Red Planet.

Researchers pinpoint watery past on Mars

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin have discovered a patch of land in an ancient valley on Mars that appears to have been flooded by water in the not-too-distant past. In doing so, they have pinpointed a prime target ...

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