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NASA's first deep-space CubeSats say: 'Polo!'

NASA has received radio signals indicating that the first-ever CubeSats headed to deep space are alive and well. The first signal was received at 12:15 p.m. PST (3:15 p.m. EST) yesterday; the second at 1:58 p.m. PST (4:58 ...

NASA's newest Mars lander to study quakes on Red Planet

NASA is poised to launch its first lander to Mars since 2012, an unmanned spacecraft called InSight that aims to listen for quakes and unravel the mystery of how rocky planets like Earth form.

Going to Mars and never coming back

If all goes to plan, humans will be settling Mars by 2032. And there's a good chance someone on the crew will be from Australia.

Searching for signs of ice on Mars using radar

Searching for signs of ice on Mars is complex. To explore whether ice lurks beneath the surface of the Red Planet, ESA's Mars Express uses its radar to probe the interior.

Mars impact crater or supervolcano?

These images from ESA's Mars Express show a crater named Ismenia Patera on the Red Planet. Its origin remains uncertain: did a meteorite smash into the surface or could it be the remnants of a supervolcano?

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