New crystal material captures carbon from humid gas

A new material with micropores might be a way to fight climate change. Scientists have created crystals that capture carbon dioxide much more efficiently than previously known materials, even in the presence of water. The ...

Ecocentricity: How do consumers decide what makes a product 'green'?

The greenness of a product has become increasingly important to consumers, but how do they decide how green a product is in the first place? A new study in the Journal of Marketing suggests that consumers believe that products ...

Recycling Styrofoam into rigid plastic

Mexican entrepreneurs designed the first machine in the nation capable of recycling Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene) and transforming it into a raw material used in the manufacture of transparent hard plastic.

Nanocellulose sponges to combat oil pollution

A new, absorbable material from Empa wood research could be of assistance in future oil spill accidents: a chemically modified nanocellulose sponge. The light material absorbs the oil spill, remains floating on the surface ...

Old tires become material for new and improved roads

( —Americans generate nearly 300 million scrap tires every year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Historically, these worn tires often end up in landfills or, when illegally dumped, become ...

Chemical marker facilitates plastic recycling

Some years ago, a small recycling company asked the Center for Research in Advanced Materials (CIMAV) at Monterrey in the northeast of Mexico, a technology to identify PVC from PET, since the material caused them losses in ...

Flame repelent furniture manufactured from recycled materials

Fires in urban zones and public transportation are common because flammable material is used in its manufacture; in order to reduce this problematic, the Center for Applied Innovation and Competitive Technologies (CIATEC) ...

Biodegradable cabinet: A new approach to sustainability

A furniture design academic from Sheffield Hallam University has started creating furniture made from 100 per cent biodegradable material, which can be composted at the end of its lifespan.

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