'Glowing' sand dune erosion on the side of Mars' Kaiser Crater

While Mars is known as the red planet, a variety of colors can be found on the planet's surface. Just like on Earth, the array of colors we can see in images from Mars comes from the diverse minerals on or just under the ...

NASA spacecraft takes a picture of Jupiter … from the Moon

You may know the feeling of seeing Jupiter through your own telescope. If it gives you the chills—like it does for me—then you'll know how the team for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter felt when they turned their spacecraft ...

What geologists see when they look at Perseverance's landing site

Geologists love fieldwork. They love getting their specialized hammers and chisels into seams in the rock, exposing unweathered surfaces and teasing out the rock's secrets. Mars would be the ultimate field trip for many of ...

A combined map of almost 15,000 dust storms on Mars

Data in the world of astronomy is spread out in so many different places. There are archives for instruments on individual spacecraft and telescopes. Sometimes all that is needed to get new insight out of old data is to collect ...

Here's the best place for explorers to harvest ice on Mars

Water ice, especially any located in the sub-surface, has long been a focal point of Mars exploration efforts. Reasons abound as to why—from the need to grow plants to the need to create more rocket fuel to blast off the ...

Layers upon layers of rock in Candor Chasma on Mars

In many ways, Mars is the planet that is most similar to the Earth. The red world has polar ice caps, a nearly 24-hour rotation period (about 24 hours and 37 minutes), mountains, plains, dust storms, volcanoes, a population ...

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