Citizen scientists seek south pole 'spiders' on Mars

(—Ten thousand volunteers viewing images of Martian south polar regions have helped identify targets for closer inspection, yielding new insights about seasonal slabs of frozen carbon dioxide and erosional features ...

Mars missions: Past, Present and Future

Long before the space age, Earthlings were already in hot pursuit of life on Mars, using primitive telescopes and even psychic mediums to seek evidence of sentient beings.

Buried glaciers on Mars

This jumble of eroded blocks lies along the distinctive boundary between the Red Planet's southern highlands and the northern lowlands, with remnants of ancient glaciers flowing around them.

Study reveals lunar surface features younger than assumed

The moon's surface is being "gardened"—churned by small impacts—more than 100 times faster than scientists previously thought. This means that surface features believed to be young are perhaps even younger than assumed. ...

Schiaparelli readied for Mars landing

This week, the commands that will govern the Schiaparelli lander's descent and touchdown on Mars were uploaded to ESA's ExoMars spacecraft, enroute to the Red Planet.

Curiosity rover begins next Mars chapter

After collecting drilled rock powder in arguably the most scenic landscape yet visited by a Mars rover, NASA's Curiosity mobile laboratory is driving toward uphill destinations as part of its two-year mission extension that ...

What does Earth look like from Mars?

Modern astronomy and space exploration has blessed us with a plethora of wonderful images. Whether they were images of distant planets, stars and galaxies taken by Earth-based telescopes, or close-ups of planets or moons ...

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