Two new pygmy squids discovered among the corals of Japan

The seagrass beds and coral reefs surrounding the Japanese sub-tropical islands of Okinawa are some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. Home to more than 360 species of coral alone, these beautiful yet fragile ...

Study pinpoints which areas of New York City are sinking, rising

Parts of the New York City metropolitan area are sinking and rising at different rates due to factors ranging from land-use practices to long-lost glaciers, scientists have found. While the elevation changes seem small—fractions ...

New land creation on waterfronts is increasing, study finds

Humans are artificially expanding cities' coastlines by extending industrial ports and creating luxury residential waterfronts. Developers have added over 2,350 square kilometers of land (900 square miles, or about 40 Manhattans) ...

Global changes in wetlands help clarify the decline of shorebirds

Over a half of all shorebird populations—sandpipers, plovers, avocets, oystercatchers, among others—are currently declining, according to scientific publications and reports of several Environmental NGOs, such as BirdLife ...

Research supports new approach to mine reclamation

A new approach to reclaiming lands disturbed by surface mining is having the desired result of improving ecosystem diversity, including restoration of foundation species such as sagebrush, according to a study by University ...

More data, more land reclamation success

More than 2.4 million miles of energy pipelines crisscross the United States. If assembled end-to-end, they would circle the Earth almost 100 times!

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