Measuring the value of science

Reports about the worthy contributions of science to national economies pop up regularly all around the world – from the UK to the US and even the developing world.

Software teaches computers to translate words to math

If Johnny has five apples and seven oranges, and he wants to share them with three of his friends, can a computer understand the text to figure out how many pieces of fruit each person gets?

Racing game proves effective in teaching scientific reasoning

An online game that has students race through a course and learn about scientific argumentation during pit stops has proven effective at a crucial time in American education. Researchers and developers at the University of ...

Meeting common core standards for math

For three days this week, math teachers from three Connecticut school districts have worked with UConn faculty members and graduate students to develop skills and resources to enable them to meet new teaching and assessment ...

Teaching robots right from wrong

Researchers from Tufts University, Brown University, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are teaming with the U.S. Navy to explore technology that would pave the way for developing robots capable of making moral decisions.

Clippers and coiners in 16th-century England

In 2017 a new £1 coin will appear in our pockets with a design extremely difficult to forge. In the mid-16th century, Elizabeth I's government came up with a series of measures to deter "divers evil persons" from damaging ...

Researchers create first regional Ocean Health Index

With one of the world's longest coastlines, spanning 17 states, and very high marine and coastal biodiversity, Brazil owes much of its prosperity to the ocean. For that reason, Brazil was the site of the first Ocean Health ...

Is social networking making us stupid?

In a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface scientists have found that whilst mass connectivity through social media and the internet makes us look smarter it might be making us stupider.

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