IoT sensors tattle on stores that neglect promo displays

Whether it's a pharmacy, a supermarket, or a clothier, when you walk into a retail store in the U.S., you are sure to encounter a flashy promotional display featuring products from a specific brand.

A new digital ecosystem to boost food safety

Trust is a highly valuable asset for food supply chains, especially when it comes to exports. Buyers look for proof that rigorous regulations around food safety and other expectations have been met.

Illuminating the dance of RNA with ultrabright X-rays

DNA, RNA, and proteins are three pillars of molecular biology. While DNA holds genetic instructions and proteins put these plans to action, RNA serves as the messenger and interpreter. DNA is transcribed to RNA, which then ...

Reactive microscopy with MicroMator software

Microscopic imaging analysis is a crucial component of biochemistry and medicine, with significant progress in accuracy and speed made due to machine learning methods and improved computation. These technical advances can ...

Unlocking molecular shape puzzles to build better chemosensors

We live in times when technology has become a regular part of our lives. Besides many portable devices, smartphones or wrist-worn fitness trackers are equipped with sensors to measure health parameters like pulse or blood ...

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