Comparing machine learning models for earthquake detection

Machine learning is transforming data-heavy fields across the sciences, and seismology is no exception. Several machine learning methods have emerged for earthquake detection, phase identification, and phase picking. However, ...

Corrections on Facebook news feed found to reduce misinformation

Factual corrections published on Facebook's news feed can reduce a user's belief in misinformation, even across partisan lines, according to a new paper published this month in the Journal of Politics. Social media users ...

The definitive guide to getting tall

There are many genes, or at least markers of one sort or another within our DNA sequences, that have been associated with height. By some estimates the number could be thousands. However, finding those select genes that have ...

How rock agamas pick snoozing spots in cities

Sleep is fundamental for all animals; when an animal sleeps, the brain sorts and categorizes memories and restores its energy. Urban habitats like cities, however, can hamper an animal's sleep quality and patterns due to ...

Shining a light on synthetic dimensions

Humans experience the world in three dimensions, but a collaboration in Japan has developed a way to create synthetic dimensions to better understand the fundamental laws of the universe and possibly apply them to advanced ...

'Forever chemicals' latch onto sea spray to become airborne

When ocean waves break, microscopic particles break free into the air. For beachgoers, aerosolized sea salts contribute to the tousled "beach hair" look. But other compounds found in seawater, including perfluoroalkyl substances ...

Nanomagnets offer clues to how avalanches work

The behavior of avalanches has generated interest among physicists for the insights that they can provide about many other systems, not least of which is how snow falls down a mountainside. To that end, a team of researchers ...

Study: Machine learning a useful tool for quantum control

In the everyday world, we can perform measurements with nearly unlimited precision. But in the quantum world—the realm of atoms, electrons, photons, and other tiny particles—this becomes much harder. Every measurement ...

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