Swipe Your Credit Card on a Cell Phone

(PhysOrg.com) -- With a small card reader that attaches to a cell phone, a new company is making it easier for small businesses and even individuals to accept credit card payments. The San Francisco start-up, called Square, ...

Snail Braille reader could read books to the blind

(PhysOrg.com) -- To most of us, Braille is largely a mystery. It feels really cool, but the idea of actually reading it is kind of a pipe dream. Our sense of touch simply is not as sensitive as that of a blind person. That ...

Samsung unveils e-reader, partnering with Google

South Korean electronics giant Samsung jumped into the increasingly crowded electronic book reader market Wednesday, unveiling its first devices and a partnership with Google Books.

Hack turns Square into criminal tool

Hackers have shown how to turn mobile payment service Square into a convenient tool for criminals to pump cash from stolen credit card numbers.

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