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Tanzanian rats with nose for trouble train to save lives

They have proven their worth in detecting landmines but Africa's giant pouched rats have a lesser-known but equally critical vocation - saving lives by speeding up tuberculosis detection.

Freaks and uniques—evolution's weirdest creatures

Evolution helps every species carve out its own niche within our planet's huge range of diverse and adverse habitats. And sometimes the features they evolve are truly bizarre.

The taming of the rat

If you worry about having a pet rat in case it bites you, then you can relax. Recent research has found that a domesticated strain of rat selectively bred for tameness never bites human handlers.

Why a rat eradication attempt on Henderson Island failed

(—A team of researchers the University of Cambridge and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has conducted a case study of a failed rat eradication project on an island in the South Pacific. In their paper ...

New way to smell a rat means end for rodents

Simon Fraser University scientists have developed a new way to exterminate rats by identifying and synthetically replicating the male brown rat's sex pheromone. The chemical is a powerful attractant for luring female brown ...

The supremely intelligent rat-cyborg

When Deep Blue battled the reigning human chess champion the world held its breath. Who was smarter … man or machine? A human victory would confirm the superiority of human intelligence, while a victory for Deep Blue would ...

The animals that sniff out TB, cancer and landmines

In a small, hot room in a compound located in Tanzania's lush southern highlands are three white-clad technicians, a glass-and-metal chamber and a large brown rat named Charles.

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