Sustainable landscape rating system available for worldwide use

The most comprehensive system for developing sustainable landscapes, the SITES v2 Rating System, has been released by the Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) program for use by landscape architects, designers, engineers, ...

Govt plan aims to keep older drivers safe on road

Silver could take on a whole new meaning when it comes to car shopping. With more elderly drivers on the road, the federal government is contemplating a "silver car" rating system that will help identify which cars better ...

Building a better team—on Mars

Sometime in the next quarter-century, NASA plans to send the first humans to Mars, a mission that will push the boundaries of teamwork for a handful of astronauts who will spend as long as three years together in a tiny capsule.

Why men and women handle stress differently

Men and women handle stress differently. Most people probably would agree with that statement, but researchers at Michigan Technological University are pinpointing the physiological reasons behind what is, indeed, fact.

Many lower-skilled men find employment precarious

( -- The U.S. unemployment rate of about 8 percent masks a far greater problem: the precarious situation of working-age men with modest education and few job skills, new analysis from the La Follette School of ...

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