All credit ratings not created equal

At least one of the "Big Three" credit ratings agencies exaggerated credit scores of private debt compared to public bonds during the last 30 years, according to a new study by researchers from Rice University, American University ...

Wireless patients

A wireless monitoring system for people with debilitating conditions such as Parkinson's disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) could allow healthcare workers to assess a patient's health and the development ...

'Greenroads' rates sustainable road projects (w/ Video)

Road construction is a more than $80 billion annual industry in the United States. Yet nothing comparable to the LEED rating system for buildings, or the Energy Star system for appliances, exists for highways and roads.

Artificial noise saves energy

Against the background of climate change, how can xDSL systems function more energy-efficiently and cost-effectively? Scientists are providing a solution combining existing methods which network providers could implement ...

Obama's tax plans raises high-tech hackles

(AP) -- President Barack Obama's plan to impose U.S. taxes on corporate America's overseas profits threatens to open a big crater in the financial statements of technology companies.

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