In the global race for rare metals, Team China wins gold

Just as oil and gas has raised the stature of countries like Saudi Arabia in the age of oil, countries that dominate the production of metals are set to benefit similarly in the rare metal age.

ORNL licenses rare earth magnet recycling process

The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Momentum Technologies have signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement for an ORNL process designed to recover rare earth magnets from used computer hard drives.

Solar cells of the future could be based on iron molecules

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have successfully explained how iron-based dyes work on a molecular level in solar cells. The new findings will accelerate the development of inexpensive and environmentally friendly ...

New CMI process recycles magnets from factory floor

A new recycling method developed by scientists at the Critical Materials Institute, a U.S. Department of Energy Innovation Hub led by the Ames Laboratory, recovers valuable rare-earth magnetic material from manufacturing ...

Separating rare earth metals with UV light

Researchers from the KU Leuven Department of Chemical Engineering have discovered a method to separate two rare earth elements - europium and yttrium - with UV light instead of with traditional solvents. Their findings, which ...

Rare-earth innovation to improve nylon manufacturing

The Critical Materials Institute, a U.S. Department of Energy Innovation Hub, has created a new chemical process that makes use of the widely available rare-earth metal cerium to improve the manufacture of nylon.

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