Predicting the magnetic properties of materials

Permanent magnets used in electric cars and wind turbines currently contain rare earth metals. Reducing the amount of these elements in magnets is important, as mining them is harmful both to health and the environment. Researchers ...

Scarce metals going unrecovered from end-of-life vehicles

Vast quantities of scarce metals are being lost from Europe's urban mine of vehicles, including 20 tonnes of gold each year—and the proportion of critical metals in vehicles is continuing to increase. A database has been ...

New marking technique could halt counterfeit goods

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed the world's most secure marking system for combating pirated goods, including pirated pharmaceuticals, food, designer merchandise and artwork. The system could be ...

Chemists create nanoparticles for safe imaging of tumors

Chemists from Russia and Switzerland created biosafe luminescent nanoparticles for imaging tumors and blood vessels damaged by heart attack or stroke. The particles are made of hafnium oxide that is used for intravenous injection, ...

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