Researchers aim to solve the rare earths crisis

During a time of immense global uncertainty, managing supply chains for critical materials has been a top priority for many governments and large organizations. But what happens when certain materials are concentrated in ...

More than superfood: Researchers study use of duckweed

In Asia, duckweed has been used as a food for a long time. The research group CritMET: Critical Metals for Enabling Technologies at Jacobs University Bremen recently discovered that duckweed is not only rich in nutrients, ...

Machine learning could revolutionize mineral exploration

Twenty-first century technologies, including those central to a low-carbon future, rely on rare earth elements and metals. Many of these sought-after minerals reside in porphyry copper deposits that contain hundreds of millions ...

Exploring the deep sea as a new source of rare earth elements

Rare earth elements (REEs), like lanthanum and cerium, are vital components in many everyday and emerging technologies, including smartphones, hard disks and clean energy. However, as concerns about the environmental impact ...

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