Researchers define role of Tmem231 in maintaining ciliary function

Researchers reveal how a protein linked to Meckel syndrome (MKS) and other human diseases regulates the membrane composition of cilia, finger-like projections on the surface of cells that communicate signals. The study appears ...

Researchers create cell models of rare and undiagnosed diseases

In what is anticipated to be a major step forward for rare disease research, The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute is partnering with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undiagnosed Disease Program ...

Computers write the books, to INSEAD prof's credit

(—English majors might warm to the question of what they want to be when they graduate. Author? OK. Writer? Fine. Master Compiler? Hmm. "Master Compiler" is not a familiar career path to English majors, but it ...

Novel technique to produce stem cells from peripheral blood

Stem cells are a valuable resource for medical and biological research, but are difficult to study due to ethical and societal barriers. However, genetically manipulated cells from adults may provide a path to study stem ...

Study of stem cell diseases advanced by new technique

A rare genetic disease called dyskeratosis congenita, caused by the rapid shortening of telomeres (protective caps on the ends of chromosomes), can be mimicked through the study of undifferentiated induced pluripotent stem ...

US scientists sound alarm over animal research

Scientists who use monkeys, mice and dogs for research on human diseases fear that the US government is restructuring the massive National Institutes of Health in a way that could slash their funding.

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