Brazil uses dammed lake surface for floating solar panels

Two decades ago, a section of the Amazon rainforest was flooded for a dam that currently produces little electricity. Engineers now see that artificial lake as an ideal surface for floating solar panels.

Storms, ozone may play pivotal role in rainforest cloud creation

Some storms transport ozone molecules to the canopy of the rainforest, influencing chemical processes that ultimately affect cloud formation, according to an international research team led by Penn State. The team conducted ...

Research reveals deep ties between diverse tropical rainforests

Tropical rainforests play a vital role in the well-being of our planet, soaking up carbon dioxide and helping stabilize the global climate. Understanding the science of rainforests—the "lungs" of the planet—is critical ...

Amazon deforestation leaps 16 percent in 2015

Illegal logging and clearing of Brazil's Amazon rainforest increased 16 percent in the last year, the government said, in a setback to the aim of stopping destruction of the world's greatest forest by 2030.

Location matters in the lowland Amazon

You know the old saying: Location, location, location? It turns out that it applies to the Amazon rainforest, too. New work from Carnegie's Greg Asner illustrates a hidden tapestry of chemical variation across the lowland ...

Water forms common thread in diverse rainforest ecosystems

Rainforests, which are so critical to the earth's climate that they are frequently called the planet's lungs, are often thought of as a single collection of ecosystems. But researchers at Princeton University and other institutions ...

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