Cyclone Bijli's rainfall -- from birth to death (w/Video)

Before satellites, meteorologists had no way to estimate or measure how much rain tropical cyclones generated where there were no buoys with rain gauges. The satellite managed by NASA and the Japanese Space Agency, JAXA provides ...

Statistically linking extreme precipitation to global warming

Extreme rainfall can have serious effects on societies and ecosystems. Increases in extreme precipitation events are predicted to occur as Earth's climate warms, in part because warmer air has greater capacity to hold moisture, ...

NASA adds up Hurricane Sandy's rainfall from space

NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, or TRMM, satellite acts as a rain gauge in space as it orbits the Earth's tropics. As TRMM flew over Hurricane Sandy since its birth on Oct. 21 it was gathering data that has now ...

Rain-soaked Madagascar again threatened by Cyclone Giovanna

Rainfall data from NASA's TRMM satellite revealed that parts of Madagascar's east coast received over a foot (30 cm) of rainfall from Cyclone Giovanna's passage, and new satellite data shows Cyclone Giovanna re-strengthening ...

Accurate, affordable weather forecasting

The first known rainfall records were kept by the Ancient Greeks, in about 500 B.C. Some 100 years later, people in India used bowls to record the rainfall. The readings were used as a basis for land taxes.

Rooftop observatory tracks hurricane rain and winter snow

On Friday night, while most of North Carolina braced against the biting sleet and snow with hot cocoa and Netflix, a suite of research instruments stood tall above Duke's campus, quietly gathering data on the the storm.

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