EU project plays key role in making nuclear power safer

Impressive steps have been taken to ensure that accident prevention measures in European nuclear power plants (NPP) are as tight as they can be. Nonetheless, accidents can still happen. An EU-funded network has helped to ...

New results on geo-neutrinos from Borexino

( —Borexino is a liquid scintillator detector mainly built for solar neutrino searches. Due to its high level of radiopurity, a worldwide record, Borexino can also detect rare events such as electron-antineutrinos ...

Super-tiger backgrounder: The case of the cosmic rays

(—Grade-school science teachers sometimes hand out "mystery boxes" containing ramps, barriers and a loose marble. By rotating the boxes and feeling the marble hang up or drop, the students try to deduce what's ...

Greenland rocks provide evidence of Earth formation process

(—Rocks dating back 3.4 billion years from south-west Greenland's Isua mountain range have yielded valuable information about the structure of the Earth during its earliest stages of development. In these rocks, ...

Radioactive decay of titanium powers supernova remnant

(—The first direct detection of radioactive titanium associated with supernova remnant 1987A has been made by ESA's Integral space observatory. The radioactive decay has likely been powering the glowing remnant ...

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