Space submarines will allow us to explore the seas of icy moons

One of the most profound and exciting breakthroughs in planetary science in the last two decades has been the discovery of liquid methane lakes on the surface of Saturn's largest moon Titan, and liquid oceans under the icy ...

The prolonged death of light from type Ia supernovae

Three years after its explosion, a type Ia supernova continues to shine brighter than expected, new research finds. The observations, made with the Hubble Space Telescope and published today in The Astrophysical Journal, ...

WITCH hunt nearing end at CERN

This Halloween, meet CERN's very own WITCH – an experiment at ISOLDE, the laboratory's nuclear facility.

Team records neutrinos from the Earth's mantle

(—A team of researchers working on the Borexino Collaboration at Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy is reporting that they have detected neutrinos emanating from the Earth's mantle. In their paper published ...

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