Scientist creates solution for looming broadband shortage

A new technology could help manage a potential data tsunami that might otherwise drastically restrict the use of smartphones, tablets and other wireless data technologies because of a nationwide mobile wireless broadband ...

Storm to bring Northern Lights to Britain

Britain should experience spectacular Northern Lights displays from Thursday due to a large solar storm which could disrupt communication networks, the British Geological Survey (BGS) said.

How your WiFi can protect against intruders

The applications of wireless networks go far beyond logging onto the free Airport WiFi while you wait to board your flight, or binge watching the latest Netflix series on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Researchers study best use of 'whitespace' spectrum

(—The demand for faster, more mobile Internet access for smartphones, tablets and laptops does more than strain the available space we have in our pockets and bags. There's a finite amount of wireless spectrum ...

Comet-chasing probe goes into hibernation in 10-year trek

A billion-euro (1.47-billion-dollar) space probe was placed in hibernation on Wednesday until 2014, when it will be woken for a deep-space rendezvous with a comet, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

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