Energetics of compressive waves in the solar corona

Inelastic scattering off moving or oscillating density fluctuations leads to broadening of radio signals propagating in the solar corona and solar wind. Using an anisotropic density fluctuation model from the kinetic scattering ...

Astronomers discover a peculiar radio galaxy

Using the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR), astronomers have discovered a new radio galaxy. The newfound galaxy, designated J0011+3217, showcases peculiar features, including a one-sided secondary lobe. The finding was reported ...

The Milky Way's eROSITA bubbles are large and distant

In 2020, astronomers discovered a large hourglass-shaped structure in or near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Dubbed "eROSITA bubbles," there have been a few different hypotheses proposed to explain their precise nature. ...

Ariane 6 launches LIFI: Light-speed secure communications

Europe's newest rocket soon launches, taking with it many space missions each with a unique objective, destination and team at home, cheering them on. Whether launching new satellites to look back and study Earth, peer out ...

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Radio is the transmission of signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light. Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space. Information is carried by systematically changing (modulating) some property of the radiated waves, such as amplitude, frequency, or phase. When radio waves pass an electrical conductor, the oscillating fields induce an alternating current in the conductor. This can be detected and transformed into sound or other signals that carry information.

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