How big is the biggest star we have ever found?

The universe is such a big place that it is easy to get baffled by the measurements that astronomers make. The size of UY Scuti, possibly one of the largest stars we have observed to date, is certainly baffling.

An impossible alloy now possible

What has been impossible has now been shown to be possible - an alloy between two incompatible elements. The findings are being published in this week's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA.

Four new giant planets detected around giant stars

(—An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of four new giant exoplanets orbiting stars much bigger than our sun. The newly detected alien worlds are enormous, with masses from 2.4 to 5.5 the mass ...

Physicists learn how to make bearings more stable

(—A team of physicists, led by Nuno Araujo of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, has found a way to optimize the stability of systems of rotating bearings. The team discovered that it is ...

Team creates high-fidelity images of Sun's atmosphere

In 1610, Galileo redesigned the telescope and discovered Jupiter's four largest moons. Nearly 400 years later, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope used its powerful optics to look deep into space—enabling scientists to pin down ...

How common are earths around small stars?

( —The Kepler mission has revolutionized the study of exoplanet statistics by increasing the number of known extrasolar planets and planet candidates by a factor of five, and by discovering systems with longer ...

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