Astronomers discover merging twin quasars

Using the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, astronomers have detected a pair of merging quasars at a high redshift, as part of the Hyper SuprimeCam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program (SPP) survey. The serendipitous discovery is reported ...

Short commercial space flights may not have big impact on health

The first all-civilian space mission is shedding light on the potential health risks facing private astronauts. The takeaway is short-duration spaceflights appear to pose none that are significant. The study sample was small—four ...

Study identifies fungus that breaks down ocean plastic

A fungus living in the sea can break down the plastic polyethylene, provided it has first been exposed to UV radiation from sunlight. Researchers from, among others, NIOZ published their results in the journal Science of ...

Study reveals cirrus cloud traits over the South China Sea

The radiative climate and environmental effects of cirrus clouds is an international cutting-edge field of scientific research in the atmospheric sciences. Understanding how the characteristics of cirrus clouds over the ocean ...

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