A nebula that extends its hand into space

The Gum Nebula is an emission nebula almost 1400 light-years away. It's home to an object known as "God's Hand" among the faithful. The rest of us call it CG 4.

Quenched galaxies in the early universe

Recently, much attention has been given to massive, active galaxies discovered by the JWST in the early universe. But in contrast to these active galaxies, some galaxies that the JWST has discovered have been unusually quiet ...

Potential first traces of the universe's earliest stars

The very first stars likely formed when the universe was only 100 million years old, less than one percent its current age. These first stars—known as Population III—were so titanically massive that when they ended their ...

Attosecond measurement on electrons in water clusters

Virtually all vital chemical processes take place in aqueous solutions. In such processes, a decisive role is played by electrons that are exchanged between different atoms and molecules and thus, for instance, create or ...

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