What's holding black entrepreneurs back?

It's not laziness or lack of initiative that's keeping African-Americans from starting their own businesses, but instead a centuries-old racial disadvantage that's not experienced by other minority groups, a Michigan State ...

Kids' health suffers when parents go to jail

The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2 million people currently behind bars. How this affects their families is the subject of a new UC Irvine study, which found significant health and ...

WSU 'deadly force' lab finds racial disparities in shootings

Participants in an innovative Washington State University study of deadly force were more likely to feel threatened in scenarios involving black people. But when it came time to shoot, participants were biased in favor of ...

Postcode lottery for race relations

People's racial prejudices are influenced by where they live, reports a new study led by Oxford University psychologists.

Law prof: Coded racial appeals have wrecked the middle class

Two central themes are dominating American politics: the decline of the middle class and the Republican Party's increasing reliance on white voters, according to Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented ...

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