Related topics: quantum computing

A faster method to read quantum memory

The potential computing revolution that quantum computers have long promised is based on their weird property called superposition. Namely, qubits can take both logical states 0 and 1 simultaneously, on top of any value in ...

Hybrid qubits solve key hurdle to quantum computing

Spin-based quantum computers have the potential to tackle difficult mathematical problems that cannot be solved using ordinary computers, but many problems remain in making these machines scalable. Now, an international group ...

One step closer to complex quantum teleportation

The experimental mastery of complex quantum systems is required for future technologies like quantum computers and quantum encryption. Scientists from the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences have broken ...

Tests show integrated quantum chip operations possible

Quantum computers that are capable of solving complex problems, like drug design or machine learning, will require millions of quantum bits—or qubits—connected in an integrated way and designed to correct errors that ...

Ballistic graphene Josephson junctions enter microwave circuits

Superconducting quantum microwave circuits can function as qubits, the building blocks of a future quantum computer. A critical component of these circuits, the Josephson junction, is typically made using aluminium oxide. Researchers ...

Superconducting metamaterial traps quantum light

Conventional computers store information in a bit, a fundamental unit of logic that can take a value of 0 or 1. Quantum computers rely on quantum bits, also known as a "qubits," as their fundamental building blocks. Bits ...

A new way to count qubits

Researchers at Syracuse University, working with collaborators at the University of Wisconsin (UW)-Madison, have developed a new technique for measuring the state of quantum bits, or qubits, in a quantum computer.

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