Related topics: quantum computing

A spin trio for strong coupling

To make qubits for quantum computers less susceptible to noise, the spin of an electron or some other particle is preferentially used. Researchers at ETH Zurich have now developed a method that makes it possible to couple ...

Researchers couple artificial atom to acoustic resonator

Researchers from Russia and Britain have demonstrated an artificial quantum system in which a quantum bit interacts with an acoustic resonator in the quantum regime. This allows quantum optics principles to be applied in ...

Qubits as valves: Controlling quantum heat engines

Researchers from Aalto University are designing nano-sized quantum heat engines to explore whether they may be able to outperform classical heat engines in terms of power and efficiency.

A refined magnetic sense

An international team of physicists at ETH Zurich, Aalto University, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics in Moscow has demonstrated that algorithms and hardware ...

Researchers successfully simulate a 64-qubit circuit

Quantum computers are based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Compared with classical bits, qubits can be at the superposition between zero and one, so a quantum computer composed of qubits can calculate and store more ...

Quantum transfer at the push of a button

In new quantum information technologies, fragile quantum states have to be transferred between distant quantum bits. Researchers at ETH have now realized such a quantum transmission between two solid-state qubits at the push ...

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