Macroscopic quantum phenomena discovered in ice

(—Scientists have discovered an anomaly in the properties of ice at very cold temperatures near 20 K, which they believe can be explained by the quantum tunneling of multiple protons simultaneously. The finding ...

Physicists solve quantum tunneling mystery

An international team of scientists studying ultrafast physics have solved a mystery of quantum mechanics, and found that quantum tunneling is an instantaneous process.

Nanoscale resistors for quantum devices

Researchers from the London Centre for Nanotechnology have made new compact, high-value resistors for nanoscale quantum circuits. The resistors could speed the development of quantum devices for computing and fundamental ...

Physicist pursues superconductivity mysteries

More than a quarter of a century after its discovery, high-temperature superconductivity still challenges condensed matter physicists. For Binghamton's Pegor Aynajian, the key to unlocking the mystery—which will ultimately ...

Quantum effects in nanometer-scale metallic structures

Plasmonic devices combine the 'super speed' of optics with the 'super small' of microelectronics. These devices exhibit quantum effects and show promise as possible ultrafast circuit elements, but current material processing ...

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