Sculpting quantum materials for the electronics of the future

The development of new information and communication technologies poses new challenges to scientists and industry. Designing new quantum materials—whose exceptional properties stem from quantum physics—is the most promising ...

Researchers prepare for quantum sensing in outer space

As part of a new NASA Quantum Pathways Institute consisting of a multi-university research team, UC Santa Barbara professor of electrical and computer engineering Daniel Blumenthal will help to build technology and tools ...

Securing supply chains with quantum computing

The Russo-Ukrainian conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic have shown how vulnerable global supply chains can be. International events can disrupt manufacturing, delay shipping, induce panic buying and send energy costs soaring.

New techniques for accurate measurements of tiny quantum objects

New research led by a team of scientists at The Australian National University (ANU) has outlined a way to achieve more accurate measurements of microscopic objects using quantum computers—a step that could prove useful ...

New spin control method brings billion-qubit quantum chips closer

Australian engineers have discovered a new way of precisely controlling single electrons nestled in quantum dots that run logic gates. What's more, the new mechanism is less bulky and requires fewer parts, which could prove ...

A new milestone for light-driven electronics

An international team of scientists collaborating within the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat has achieved a breakthrough in quantum research—the first detection of excitons (electrically neutral quasiparticles) ...

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