Revealing quantum flow

(—UK-based physicist Ole Steuernagel from the University of Hertfordshire, alongside Dimitris Kakofengitis and Georg Ritter, have found that a new powerful tool they call 'Wigner flow' is the quantum analogue of ...

May the force be with the atomic probe

New models suggest devising means of probing a surface at a sub-micrometric level as this will help us understand how electrons' diffusion affects long-range attractive forces.

Cutting light with a comb

(—Quantum physicists from ETH Zurich have discovered special properties in a laser, thanks to which portable devices can be built to analyse gases and liquids accurately and reliably in the future.

New knowledge about the remarkable properties of black holes

Black holes are surrounded by many mysteries, but now researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute, among others, have come up with new groundbreaking theories that can explain several of their properties. The research shows ...

Physicists extend entanglement in Einstein experiment

(—Using a photon fission process, physicists have split a single photon into a pair of daughter photons and then split one of the daughter photons into a pair of granddaughters to create a total of three photons. ...

Can a car engine be built out of a single particle?

(—As physicists work on miniaturizing devices, they will eventually run into the ultimate limit: the atom. A fundamental question in this area is whether it's even possible to scale down a macroscale engine such ...

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