The right squeeze for quantum computing

A new theoretical model involves squeezing light to just the right amount to accurately transmit information using subatomic particles. Scientists at Hokkaido University and Kyoto University report that this theoretical approach ...

Turning entanglement upside down

A team of physicists from ICTP-Trieste and IQOQI-Innsbruck has come up with a surprisingly simple idea to investigate quantum entanglement of many particles. Instead of digging deep into the properties of quantum wave functions, ...

Scientists uncover how to stop cyber intrusions

U.S. Army-funded researchers at the University of California in Los Angles have found a proverbial smoking gun signature of the long sought-after Majorana particle, and the find, they say, could block intruders on sensitive ...

Quantum physicists achieve entanglement record

Entanglement is of central importance for the new quantum technologies of the 21st century. A German-Austrian research team is now presenting the largest entangled quantum register of individually controllable systems to ...

For identical quantum channels, order matters

Physicists have demonstrated that using two quantum channels in different orders can enhance a communication network's ability to transmit information—even, counterintuitively, when the channels are identical. This result ...

Physicists made crystal lattice from polaritons

An international research team produced an analog of a solid-body crystal lattice from polaritons, hybrid photon-electron quasiparticles. In the resulting polariton lattice, the energy of certain particles does not depend ...

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