Exotic quantum particles—less magnetic field required

Exotic quantum particles and phenomena are like the world's most daring elite athletes. Like the free solo climbers who scale impossibly steep cliff faces without a rope or harness, only the most extreme conditions will entice ...

Modeling quantum spin liquids using machine learning

The properties of a complex and exotic state of a quantum material can be predicted using a machine learning method created by a RIKEN researcher and a collaborator. This advance could aid the development of future quantum ...

Study: Machine learning a useful tool for quantum control

In the everyday world, we can perform measurements with nearly unlimited precision. But in the quantum world—the realm of atoms, electrons, photons, and other tiny particles—this becomes much harder. Every measurement ...

Electrical control over designer quantum materials

Exploring the properties and behaviors of strongly interacting quantum particles is one of the frontiers of modern physics. Not only are there major open problems that await solutions, some of them since decades (think high-temperature ...

Exotic magnetic states in miniature dimensions

We are all used to the idea that simpler units in nature interact to form complex structures. Take, for example, the hierarchy of life, where atoms combine to form molecules, molecules combine to form cells, cells combine ...

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