A new approach to solving the mystery of dark energy (Update)

What is behind dark energy—and what connects it to the cosmological constant introduced by Albert Einstein? Two physicists from the University of Luxembourg point the way to answering these open questions of physics.

Researcher posits that electrons do spin, thanks to their fields

Deep inside all matter in the universe, electrons are buzzing around and behaving as if they are twirling around on their axes like spinning tops. These "spinning" electrons are fundamental to quantum physics and play a central ...

Using holograms to illuminate de Sitter space

Our understanding of the universe may not be expanding as much as the universe itself. In some cases, our theories about cosmic inflation may feel as if they are deflating into a black hole.

Revisiting the history of the CPT theorem

A new review looks at an important and often overlooked aspect of physics that suggested symmetry in the particle zoo and how it could be broken.

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