Single photon emitter takes a step closer to quantum tech

To get closer to quantum technology we need to develop non-classical light sources that can emit a single photon at a time and do so on demand. Scientists at EPFL have now designed one of these "single photon emitters" that ...

Quantum emitters: Beyond crystal clear to single-photon pure

Photons, fundamental particles of light, are carrying these words to your eyes via the light from your computer screen or phone. Photons play a key role in the next-generation quantum information technology, such as quantum ...

Generating high-quality single photons for quantum computing

MIT researchers have designed a way to generate, at room temperature, more single photons for carrying quantum information. The design, they say, holds promise for the development of practical quantum computers.

Directivity to improve optical devices

A team of researchers from the Dutch institute AMOLF, Western University (Canada), and the University of Texas (United States of America) recently demonstrated the use of algorithmic design to create a new type of nanophotonic ...

Controlled coupling of light and matter

Researchers from Würzburg and London have succeeded in controlling the coupling of light and matter at room temperature. They have published their results in Science Advances.

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