Quantum autoencoders to denoise quantum measurements

Many research groups worldwide are currently trying to develop instruments to collect high-precision measurements, such as atomic clocks or gravimeters. Some of these researchers have tried to achieve this using entangled ...

Machine learning tackles quantum error correction

(Phys.org)—Physicists have applied the ability of machine learning algorithms to learn from experience to one of the biggest challenges currently facing quantum computing: quantum error correction, which is used to design ...

Genetic algorithms can improve quantum simulations

(Phys.org)—Inspired by natural selection and the concept of "survival of the fittest," genetic algorithms are flexible optimization techniques that can find the best solution to a problem by repeatedly selecting for and ...

First-ever calculation performed on optical quantum computer chip

(PhysOrg.com) -- A primitive quantum computer that uses single particles of light (photons) whizzing through a silicon chip has performed its first mathematical calculation. This is the first time a calculation has been performed ...

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